A detailed description of Back In Stock Admin Alert app can be found on this page.
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A detailed description of Back In Stock Admin Alert app can be found on this page.
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Firstly let us understand about "Back In Stock admin alert" app, what are its features? how does it work? and what are its benefits?
👉 App is basically made for admins/staff members, to receive email notifications whenever stocks are replenished.
👉 Features of app:
Users can decide the scope of products just by selecting tag names.
Set stock threshold to which number of replenished stock items value is compared with. based on this whenever replenished stocks are greater than or equal to stock threshold value then email notifications are sent to admins/staff members.
App provides you WYSIWYG editor users can easily configure email template.
Users can add multiple email addresses to receive email notifications.
Users can 'Edit' or 'Delete' alerts at any point of time.
By default stock threshold is compared with variants stock value.
Emails are received by the users automatically without any human intervention.
You have app dashboard page where you can get to see number of alerts created and number of times emails are sent. All the action items such as adding new alert, edit, delete and stock threshold set by the user can be seen on the dashboard page.
👉 Benefits of the app:
✅ The app promptly notifies administrators and staff members when previously out-of-stock products are available again.
✅ Administrators can efficiently manage inventory levels by receiving alerts, enabling them to restock products based on demand trends.
✅ Access to real-time notifications aids in better planning and decision-making regarding stock replenishment and marketing strategies.
✅ By ensuring popular products are consistently available, the app can boost sales, as customers are more likely to make purchases when the items they desire are in stock.
✅ It optimizes inventory management, customer satisfaction, and overall business efficiency, making it a valuable tool for online retailers.
STEP 1 : Click on 'Add New Alert' link.
To create a new alert click on 'Add New Alert'
STEP 2 : Deciding the scope of products.
Click on checkbox of the product tag names to select the products. All the selected products using their tag names will be under scope of app functionality.
All the products selected under scope of app functionality should be tracked by Shopify [Click on 'Track quantity' checkbox provided in the inventory section as shown in the below screenshot.]
STEP 3 : Set stock threshold value.
Whenever items are back in stock then its stock value is compared with the 'Stock threshold', if it is greater than or equal to user set threshold value then automatically emails are received by the admins/staff members.
✍️ Always the stock value is compared with the variant inventory only.
✍️ Alerts are sent based on real time, the moment when the items are back in stock and the compared stock value is greater than or equal to stock threshold then the email notification are triggered automatically at that instant of time.
✍️ Products from all the store locations are considered by default but however email notifications will be received for the products which in the scope of app functionality.
STEP 4 : Adding email addresses and customizing email template using WYSIWYG editor.
You can add multiple email ids. enter 1 email id and click on ' + ' and then enter other email id, likewise you can add as many as email id you want.
As you can see in the above screenshot that Email Subject & Body both are editable.
Our app provides you a WYSIWYG editor, which is user-friendly, user can easily customize email template as per their requirement.
There are some variables provided by default. you can use them for customization as per your requirement.
You have simple 4 steps to configure app and see it is functional. no coding required, no extra effort required to make app setup.
After following all steps then you can find a dashboard.
Dashboard is the screen where you can see all the created alerts at one place. also you can get information on what is the stock threshold you have set, how many times you received email alerts, alert created date and action buttons Delete and Edit. All of these information is found on the dashboard screen.